Solutions / Terrorism and Political Risk

Terrorism and Political Risk

Globalisation and international connectivity have intensified the problems involved with worldwide terrorism and political risks (strikes/riots/civil commotion etc.). Although no industry is exempt from this type of risks, some sectors such as utilities, health, telecommunications, the financial and energy sectors, are particularly exposed.

ALTIUS provides integral advisory services about coverages against this type of threat, and we offer access to the major global markets specialising in this type of protection.

Sectors & Industries

Strategic Industries (Utilities, Health, Financial etc.).

Public Infrastructure.

Works in progress.

Products & Coverages

Strikes, Riots, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage, Sabotage and Terrorism.

Business Interruption as a Result of Terrorism or Political Risk.


Our brokerage, claim administration and consultancy services are based on our experience, market knowledge, information, and technology to help you to better quantify and administrate risk.